Information Literacy Test (ILT), James Madison University
Link to information about the ILT
From the JMU web site: The Information Literacy Test (ILT) is a computerized, multiple-choice test developed collaboratively by the JMU Center for Assessment and Research Studies (CARS) and JMU Libraries. It is designed to assess the ACRL information literacy standards. The ILT measures Standards 1, 2, 3, and 5 at the general education level. It does not address Standard 4, as this competency is not easily measured by a multiple choice test. Steven Wise, one of the project directors, states that the test can be used for program assessment or to test individual student competency. It is Web-administered and developers note it is multimedia intensive. To more fully measure students’ cognitive abilities, the test has 41 knowledge items and 19 items to assess application of knowledge. The test is available for administration by other institutions.
Purpose: It is designed to assess the ACRL information literacy standards 1, 2, 3, and 5.
Pricing: $5 to $10 per test, depending on number of tests purchased.
Format: The ILT is a computerized, multiple choice test that contains 60 items, plus five pilot items. It takes 60-90 minutes to complete.
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