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International Computer Drivers Licence

Page history last edited by pbeile@... 16 years, 7 months ago

International Computer Drivers Licence (ICDL), offered by Australian Computer Society and the European International Drivers Licence

Link to information about the assessment  https://www.acs.org.au/icdl/category.asp?category_id=3


From the ACS web site: The International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) is a competency standard endorsed by the Australian Computer Society. The ICDL is the standard for computer literacy in over 140 countries.

Its aims are to:

  • Raise the general level of competency in IT
  • Improve productivity at work
  • Reduce user support costs
  • Enable employers to invest more efficiently in IT, and
  • Ensure that best practice and quality issues are understood and implemented. 

The ICDL is not a "training course" but rather a competency standard that is acknowledged through testing. The ICDL program is governed by the ECDL Foundation in member countries including Australia and the USA.


Purpose:  To help prospective employees certify their knowledge and skills in common business technology.  ACS awards a certificate of competency.


Pricing:  There are 7 modules.  The full set of assessments is priced at $129 per person and includes 2 free retests.  The price drops as quantities of tests purchased increases. 


Format:  The candidate completes the assessments in a testing center and is allowed 45 minutes to complete each of the seven modules.  Each module has 36 questions.  The tests utilize a combination of multiple choice and 'hot spot' questions.


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